Getting to Chandpur, Palampur (Himachal)

By Train/Cab :

Palampur is connected by narrow gauge railway from Pathankot. Approximate distance from Pathankot to Palampur is 112 km. The journey takes about 6–8 hours covering two tunnels, one of which is only 250 feet and the other 1,000 feet in length. There is no reservation system in the train but you can buy a current ticket from the ticketing counter and search for a seat. There are chances that the train may breakdown in the middle. Also the journey may take 8–12 hours.

The Kangra Valley toy train also operates in the town. The nearest railway station is at Maranda (Palampur), 6 km from main bus stand.


By Road:

Palampur is well connected by road to all major cities and towns in and around the state. Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) is the best way to travel plying Air conditioned, Deluxe and Semi Deluxe buses from major cities like Delhi and Chandigarh.

Distances to the major cities are Delhi (530 km), Chandigarh(254 km), Shimla (259 km),Manali (205 km), Dharamshala (35 km), Kangra (51 km)